Date:        11 July 2024 (Thu) and 12 July 2024 (Fri)

Time:        9:00am – 4:30pm


Please bring along the following documents:

  1. Allocation Slip and Admission Slip issued by the Education Bureau
  2. Copy of student ID card/one-way permit
  3. One passport-size photo
  4. Original and photocopy of academic reports for the first and second terms of Primary 5 and the first and second terms of Primary 6


Our uniform suppliers will set up sales counters on the registration days for parents to purchase school uniforms.

The September lunch ordering form and S1 textbook ordering form are included in the registration documents. The related fees will be collected later.



  • Form 1 students who are allocated to our school should register with their parents or guardians. If the parents or guardians are unable to accompany the student for registration, they should delegate a representative to do so with the ‘Authorization Letter for Form 1 Student Registration’. This authorization letter must be arranged through the primary school in advance.
  • S1 students should take the Pre-Secondary One Hong Kong Attainment Test on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, from 8:30am to 12:50pm. If a student is unable to take the test due to important matters (such as participating in international competitions), the parent should submit a parent note to our General Office by 15 July 2024. If a student is unable to take the test due to illness, the parent should inform our General Office before 8:00am on the test day.
  • Parent Orientation Day for S1 will be held in our school hall on July 16th (Tuesday) from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. All parents are invited to attend.
  • In response to the requirements of the Education Bureau, Pre-S1 students of our school have come to our school from 10:15 am to 11:30 am on July 17 (Wednesday) to take the linking exercise of English for the purpose of educational research.


Pre-S1 Summer Activities

Pre-S1 Summer Activities




English Day Camp

Compulsory Participation

5 Aug 2024 (Mon) to 9 Aug-2024 (Fri)


Learning Skills Workshop

12 Aug 2024(Mon) to 14 Aug 2024 (Wed)


Education Camp (2 days, 1 night)

15 Aug 2024(Thu) to 16 Aug 2024 (Fri)


Free extracurricular summer learning activities, including archery, table tennis, dodgeball, and drama, are offered. Arrangements are to be confirmed. Interested Pre-S1 students can register on the two registration days.